1. Any change in matter that results in the disappearance of one or more substances and the appearance of one or more substances, each having its
own set of intensive properties Is known as.
(a) extrinsic change
(b) intrinsic change
(c) physical change
(d chemical change
2. Heating of a substance results in
(a) a physical ohhange
(b) a chemical change
(c) a physical or a chemical change
(d) None of the above
3. An endothermic reaction is accompanied by
(a) evolution of light and water
(b) eovolution of heat
(c) absorption of heat
(d) None of the above
4. Combustion of a candle is a/an
(a) physical change
(b) reduction reaction
(c) endothermic reaction
(d exothermic reaction
5. Which of the following represent a
physical change?
I. Cutting of carrot into pieces.
II. Separation of iron and sulphur from their mixture
lII. Formation of salt from sea-water Codes
(a) I and ll
(b) II and III
(c) I and III
(d) All of these
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